What is the alternative to JWs if their religion is wrong? This is a good question... but only if you have had the misfortune to have had your brain specially wired by JW thinking in the first place.
JW thinking does not permit or admit any other kind of thinking and that is why ex JWs are left high and dry mentally and emotionally without their regular fix of Watchtower propaganda and JW company to perpetuate the illusion.
So it’s tough on the outside and a JW is not prepared for real life because his or her premise was that “the world” is Satan’s domain and a JW is always fretting over the boundaries between their black and white thinking as a matter of habit.
Relax friend... real life is not like this... you can learn to make your own decisions based on reason and usefulness not on religious imperative as you did before. Perhaps for the first time you can become yourself!
So in the spirit of what you meant by what alternatives are there to the JW belief; the intelligent answer has to be: become a sceptic (or skeptic if you are American). By looking behind any proposition consider why it was made, be doubtful rather than gullible, find physical evidence rather than belief and build your life on knowable things not emotional blackmail such as religions teach.
This is in agreement with what Finklestein said “get an education” which is the opposite of indoctrination... and also 007’s suggestion on how Jehovah began. Would you want to worship an ox headed idol? If Jehovah began as such, how did he also get to be the creator of the universe?